For the 2025-26 season the Casco Bay Girls Program will be offering Tier II teams at the 10U (Major & Minor), 12U (Major & Minor), 14U (Major, Middle, & Minor), 16U and 19U levels. Players must attend tryouts for their birth year appropriate teams:
10U: Birth years 2015-16
12U: Birth years 2013-14
14U: Birth years 2011-12
16U-19U: Birth years 2007-10
All teams will participate in the New England Girls Hockey League (NEGHL), the premier girl’s hockey league in the country. The expectation is that the Major teams will play in the American Upper or National Lower Division in the NEGHL. Middle and Minor teams will play in the most competitive division for their team’s ability.
Players may only tryout for the team that corresponds to their birth year. Players may not attend tryouts for an older age group. Players will be evaluated on their skating (forward, backward, agility), stick skills (passing, shooting, and stick handling), and hockey game skills (offensive play, defensive play, and hockey sense).
Evaluators will consist of current and past Casco Bay coaches as well as high school coaches and others with proven hockey credibility.
If you have any questions, please reach out Girls Hockey Director, Greg Leclair.
Casco Bay typically offers a Major & Minor team at the 10U level for each season. The focus for this team will be on individual skill development and understanding team play. There will be more traveling involved than with traditional Tier IV team, but the plan is play as many local games as possible.
The top 13-15 skaters and 1-2 goalies based on evaluator scoring rankings will be offered spots on the U10 Tier II Major team and the next highest scoring 13-15 players will be offered spots on the U10 Tier II Minor. Pending the difference in scores and drop off, discretion may be used to limit the roster size to less than 15 skaters.
Registration fees include tournaments, jersey, pant shells, and socks. See the registration for exact prices.
10U Tier II Major
The 10U Tier II Major team will begin in late September, with 2 weekday night practices for a target of 45 + practices. The team will play in the NEGHL with a target of 35-40 games with 1-2 games on Saturdays and/or Sundays through the end of February. NEGHL games include regular travel outside of Maine. The team may play additional non-league games against other area teams of similar ability. Additionally, the team plans to compete in 1-2 tournaments during the year.
10U Tier II Minor
The 10U Minor team will begin in late September, with 2 weekday night practices for a target of 45 + practices. The target is for 40+ games with 1-2 games on Saturdays and Sundays through the end of February. The team will play in the NEGHL in a division best suited for their ability. The schedule will be supplemented with occasional non-league games against area girls and coed teams of similar ability. Additionally, the team plans to participate in 1-2 tournaments during the year.
Casco Bay will offer Major and Minor teams at the 12U level for the 2025-2026 season. Teams will consist of approximately 14-15 skaters and 1-2 goalies.
The top 13-15 skaters and 1-2 goalies based on evaluator scoring rankings will be offered 13-15 players will be offered spots on the U12 Tier II Minor. Pending the difference in scores and drop off discretion may be used to limit the roster size to less than 15 skaters.
The focus for these teams is to build highly competitive Tier II teams with an emphasis on skill development and team play at the U12 level.
Registration fees include tournaments, jersey, pant shells, and socks. See the registration for exact prices.
12U Tier II Major
The 12U Major team will begin in September, with 2 weekday night practices, for a target of 50-55 practices. The target is for 40-45 games with 1-2 games on Saturdays and Sundays through the Middle of March. The team will play the majority of its games in the NEGHL. Additionally, the team will play against other MEAHA 12U Girls teams and compete for the MEAHA Girls 12U Tier II State Championship. The remainder of the games will consist of home and away games with other top competitive Tier II U12 teams from NH, VT, and Mass. The team plans to compete in 2 high level Tier II tournaments during the season.
12U Tier II Minor
The 12U Minor team will begin in September, with 2 weekday night practices, for a target of 50-55 practices. The target is for 40-45 games with 1-2 games on Saturdays and Sundays through the Middle of March. The team will play most of its games in the NEGHL. Additional games will consist of home and away games against like competition to fill out the schedule and may include games against coed or non-NEGHL girls’ teams. The team plans to compete in 1-2 tournaments during the season.
Casco Bay hopes to offer Major, Middle, and Minor teams for the 2024-2025 season. Teams will consist of 14-16 skaters and 1-2 goalies per team.
The top 14-16 skaters and 1-2 goalies based on evaluator scoring rankings will be offered spots on the 14U Tier II Major team . The next highest scoring 14-16 skaters will be offered spots on the 14U Tier II Middle team. And Finally, the next highest scoring 14-16 players will be offered spots on the 14U Tier II Minor team. Pending the difference in scores and drop off, discretion may be used to limit the roster size to less than 16 skaters.
Registration fee includes tournaments, jersey, pant shells, and socks. See the registration for exact prices.
14U Tier II Major
The team will begin in the first week of September, with 2 weekday night practices for a target of 60-65 practices. The target is for 45-50 games with 1-2 games on Saturdays and Sundays through the middle of March.
The team will compete in the MEAHA 14U Tier II league and compete for the Maine 14U Tier II State Championship. They will also play in the NEGHL Fall and Winter season for 30-35 games. The remainder of the games will consist of home and away games with other top competitive Tier I and Tier II 14U teams from Maine, VT, NH and Mass. Additionally, the team plans to compete in the 2-3 high level tier I-II tournaments.
The focus for this team is to create a highly competitive National Bound Tier II team, with an emphasis on skill development, promoting a better understanding of the game of hockey, and preparing the girls for competitive High School/Prep Hockey.
14U Tier II Middle Team
The team will begin in the first week of September, with 2 weekday night practices for a target of 60-65 practices. The target is for 45-50 games with 1-2 games on Saturdays and Sundays through the middle of March.
The majority of their games will be played in the NEGHL Fall and Winter seasons and total approximately 30-35 games. The remainder of the games will consist of home and away games with other competitive Tier II 14U teams from Maine, VT, NH and Mass either in a non-league environment, or through tournaments. The team plans to compete in the 2-3 Tier II tournaments.
The focus for this team is to create a highly competitive Tier II team, with an emphasis on skill development, promoting a better understanding of the game of hockey, and preparing the girls for competitive High School/Prep Hockey.
14U Tier II Minor
The team will begin in the first week of September, with 2 weekday night practices for a target of 60-65 practices. The target is for 45-50 games with 1-2 games on Saturdays and Sundays through the middle of March.
The Minor team will compete in the NEGHL during the fall and winter seasons for a total of 30-35 games. Additional games will consist of home and away games against similar competition to fill out the schedule which may include games against area coed or non-NEGHL girls’ teams. The team plans to compete in 1-2 Tier II tournaments during the season.
The focus for this team is to foster continued growth among players at a level that is commensurate with the teams experience. An emphasis on skill development, promoting a better understanding of the game of hockey, and preparing the girls for competitive High School/Prep Hockey.
The team will begin in early August with 1 weekday night practice, building to twice per week before fall high school sports ramp up. Game typically commence in early September and typically consist of 1-2 games on Sundays, ending in Mid November.
The 16U team will compete for the Maine Tier II State Championship which is expected to be played in November. The team will compete in the NEGHL American Upper or American Middle division.
The target is for 18-22 games and 14-15 practices. Additionally, the team plans to compete in August Tier II Showcase hosted by the East Coast Wizards in Bedford, MA.
This team is open for evaluation to girls with birth years 2009-10 or for those with birth year 2011 entering High School that wish to play up on a split season team. 2011 Birth year players must evaluate into the top ½ of the team based on the ranked scores.
Registration fee includes tournaments, jersey, pant shells, and socks. See the registration for exact prices.
The team will begin in early August with 1 weekday night practice, building to twice per week before fall high school sports ramp up. Game typically commence in early September and typically consist of 1-2 games on Sundays, ending in Mid November.
This team is open to girls with birth years 2007-08 or for those with birth years in 2009 wishing to play up and who evaluate in the top ½ of the evaluation based on ranked scores.
The 19U team will compete for the Maine Tier II State Championship which is expected to be played in November. The team will compete in the NEGHL American Upper or American Middle division.
The target is for 18-22 games and 14-15 practices. Additionally, the team plans to compete in August Tier II Showcase hosted by the East Coast Wizards in Bedford, MA.
Registration fee includes tournaments, jerseys, pant shells, and socks. See the registration for exact prices.
Girls VP