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Beyond Strength Partnership

By Matt Lambert, 12/14/21, 7:15AM EST


Casco Bay Hockey Association (CBHA) is excited to announce a new partnership with Beyond Strength.

Beyond Strength offers free sports injury evaluations to all Casco Bay Hockey athletes during our clinic hours (Every Monday from 3-5). Our team of Athletic Trainers and Physical Therapists will evaluate your sports injury and offer suggestions, including:

  • Rehabilitation exercises
  • Return-to-play recommendations
  • Injury prevention tips
  • Physician referrals when needed

There will be an eval signup process in the future, however, for now, you can simply email or call the gym at (207) 613-9087.


If my child is injured from hockey, do I have to see Beyond Strength?

No, this is not required and the choice to see any medical facility is a family decision.  This resource allows CBHA players to fast-track care and get to the correct physician/specialist faster than it usually takes.

Nothing is free, what am I missing here?

Correct, it is just the evaluation process that is free.  Depending on the injury there could be a referral or a plan of treatment that might involve strength and conditioning.  Beyond Strength offers those services, they do come at a charge. 

Do they diagnose concussions?

No, please see your family physician, urgent care, or emergency room when there is any indication of a concussion.  Beyond Strength can work with your family on a rehab and recovery plan. Also remember to follow these guidelines when dealing with a suspected concussion.

Why Beyond Strength?

CBHA has had a long-standing partnership with Beyond Strength for strength and conditioning with our Mariners, Girls Mariners, and Spartans teams.  They have been a valued partner and one we looked to expand services with.  This also opens up the opportunity for CBHA to utilize Beyond Strength’s certified athletic trainers to be onsite for tournaments and playoff games.    

I want to learn more about Beyond Strength, do you have more information?

Yes, please find more information here.